Saturday, August 31, 2019

Buddha & religions

As we come to know it, there are five major religions in our world. For centuries, these five religions, namely Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism have dominated and influenced the world and its views in life, death, heaven, and earth. Now, the writer wishes to state on this paper the different key terms, main arguments, and assumptions of one of the most revered faiths on earth. But before anything else, perhaps we should go through an overview of the history of Buddhism and its founder. The general history of Buddhism started around 566-486 B. C.The traditionally accepted founder of Buddhism is a man named Siddhartha Gautama. Around 486 B. C. , the first Buddhist Council at Rajagaha was formed. It is where the Buddhist Canon, as it still exists today was settled and preserved through oral tradition. Through the passing of centuries, different forms of Buddhism were developed and propagated throughout distant lands. One of the important highlights of the religionâ €™s history is the founding of the Dalai Lama lineage of the Tibetan Buddhism during the 15th century (â€Å"A Timeline of Buddhist History: Major Events†).Today, Buddhism continues to thrive and according to Wikipedia, most estimates put its number of followers at around 310 million (Jones 2006) In relation to the founding of Buddhism, it is a widely accepted fact that Siddhartha Gautama is the founder of Buddhism. Born in luxury, Siddhartha was the son of a king hence making him prince. At the age of 29, Gautama left his palace to view his subjects. However, what he saw was despair that depressed him so. So one night, he escaped from his palace to live the life of a mendicant.Thus started the Buddha’s long and fruitful life and the creation of the different principles and beliefs that would guide the ideology of Buddhism and influence world history (â€Å"Gautama Siddhattha Buddha†). An event that triggered Gautama’s quest for the truth is the one t hat happened when he left the palace at the age of 13. After seeing the four sights, which namely are an old man, a man with a disease, a corpse, and an ascetic, he became convinced that suffering in this world is inescapable and even all the riches of the world cannot add up to make a man truly happy and in peace (â€Å"Gautama Siddhattha Buddha†).It is also Siddhartha’s experience that meditation alone cannot ease all the anxieties in a man’s mind. After studying with two teachers on meditation, he was not satisfied so he left. He realized that the only way to detach you from all the pain and suffering in this world is through overall tranquility. Buddha is also credited as the creator of the Four Noble Truths. The first of these noble truths is the Noble Truth of Suffering. According to this truth, life is full of suffering such as pain and grief.Even in other religions, they share a common ground; that life is full of torment. According to the Second Noble T ruth, which is the Truth of the Arising of Suffering, the agony that people experience is due to the Threefold Craving. The Threefold Craving, on the other hand, is what brings beings from birth to rebirth accompanied by lust and joy. These three craving are the sensual cravings, and the cravings for existence, and wealth and power. The Third Noble Truth, according to Buddha is the Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering.According to this truth, there is a way for suffering to stop and that is by giving up the Threefold Craving. And lastly, the Fourth Noble Truth is the Truth of the Path Leading to the Cessation of Suffering. It is in this Noble truth that the Eightfold Path is presented. This path is also known as the Middle Path because this path does not commit to the two extremes of self-mortification and sensual pleasure (â€Å"Gautama Siddhattha Buddha†). The Eightfold Path, or the Middle Path, is the principle that guides the followers of Buddhism in eliminating all suffering from his life.The Eightfold Path is divided into three sections. The first section is called Sila. Sila pertains to the wholesome physical actions. Sila also stands for morality and refraining from objectionable actions of the body and speech. Included in Sila are three of the eight parts of the Eightfold Path. The first one is the Right Speech. In this right, the person should speak in a pleasant, truthful way. The second is the Right Actions wherein the person is taught to do good actions and to avoid doing things that may hurt or harm others.The last part of this section is the Right Livelihood. In this right, the follower should always choose a means of livelihood that does not harm anyone including himself straightforwardly or not. The second section of the Eightfold Path is called Samadhi. Samadhi, according to Buddhism, is the mastery over a person’s own mind. Included in this division are another three rights of the Eightfold Path. The first of these three i s the Right Effort or Exercise. This right concerns itself to the effort of the follower in improving his self.The second in this section is the Right Mindfulness or Awareness wherein the mental ability to perceive things with clear consciousness is emphasized. And the third one on Samadhi is the Right Concentration or Meditation. It is in this right that awareness of the current reality that happens on self is realized. The absence of craving or aversion is also included in being aware to the reality in one’s life And lastly, the third section of the Eightfold Path is called the Prajna. Prajna is mainly concerned with wisdom that purifies the mind.The last two rights of the Eightfold Path is included in this section. The first of the two is the Right Understanding. This right teaches that one should reality as what it really is and not just how it appears to be. The last of the rights is the Right Thoughts. In this right, an alteration in the pattern of thinking is taught. D ifferent ways of interpreting the Eightfold Path exists. Some people believe that it is a series of progressive stages. This interpretation stresses out that the mastery of the first right will lead to the beginning of the mastery of the next right and so on.Others believe that the Eightfold Path and its rights should be developed simultaneously (â€Å"The Eightfold Path†). According still to the Buddhist faith, Samsara is the cycle of birth, suffering and agony, death, and rebirth in which humans are bounded. But once a man becomes successful in grasping the Four Noble Truths and in following the Eightfold Path and eliminates all cravings from his life, it is when he experiences Bodhi. Bodhi is the awakening or enlightenment felt by Buddhas. It is also the time when greed, hate, and delusion are eradicated.In addition to this, it is also the time in which Nirvana or â€Å"highest happiness† is attained. These are only some of the basic principles held by the Buddhist faith. The teachings and beliefs of Buddhism are too many to be mentioned in this paper. However, this paper wishes to analyze some of the beliefs of the aforementioned religion. As a world-leading faith with hundreds of millions of followers, Buddhism has influenced not only the faith of multitudes but world history as well. Aside from these, Buddhism has also played a part in the development of oriental art and architecture.One of the strengths of the Buddhist religion is that their followers are not afraid to show that they are devoted to their belief. And being devoted to their belief has its own advantages. Because these followers adhere to their principles, it becomes better for them to be guided in their everyday lives and decisions. However, being too much devoted to the faith has its own disadvantages. Some people become too dependent on the principles that it starts to interfere with their normal lives.However, we cannot comment on that issue since it is their own choice a nd therefore are responsible for their own actions. In Buddhism, there are no recognized gods but there is the Buddha or enlightened beings. In the teachings of Buddhism, it is emphasized that in able to reach true happiness, one must live a simple life. This life that they would live should be one of humility and righteousness. Only then would they achieve nirvana. In parallel with other faiths, especially in Christianity, it is also stressed out that in able to attain salvation, one must live in truthfulness and simplicity.So this is why Christians, especially the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Church have their own monasteries where people could live in seclusion; far from all the temptations and sins of the Earth. It might be said that most religions, particularly the five leading ones, share the same principles of the need to do good to others and live in humbleness in able to attain salvation. Others believe that the foundations of Buddhism are vague and inaccurate. And sti ll others criticize them for their unique nature.But let us all remember that even though we share different faiths and beliefs, even though we are separated by cultural and spiritual diversity, some principles are still being shared. And one of those principles is to do the right thing and to never cause harm to anyone. I, as the writer, personally adhere to the belief that we should have religious tolerance. As long as our beliefs do not interfere or cause harm to anyone, then we should free to worship and believe what we desire. And above all, respect is what is needed in a society that prejudices and criticizes what they perceive as odd.In spite of everything, we are all, in the broadest sense, humans, and therefore, equal. Works Cited â€Å"Gautama Siddhattha Buddha. † 12 Sept. 2007 . Jones, Judy, and Wilson William. â€Å"Religion†, An Incomplete Education. 3rd ed.. Ballantine Books, 2006. â€Å"The Eightfold Path. † 2000. About, Inc. , A part of. 12 Sept. 2007 . â€Å"Timeline of Buddhist History: Major Events. † 12 Sept. 2007 .

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ban the School Uniform!

School Uniform. Who actually likes school uniform? Nobody. Nobody in their right mind wants to wear exactly the same clothes that hundreds of people are wearing at the same time, in the same place. Why do people wear school uniform? Because they have to. There is no law saying people have to wear school uniform, so who says you have to? Governors, head-teachers, your parents? They all say â€Å"wear your school uniform† And why? Because they were told to wear uniforms when they were at school. It's not because they like school uniform, or that they think it makes you look smart like they always tell you- it's because they want revenge. That's all. They just want to get their own back on their governors, their head-teachers, their parents. They just can't get over the way they were treated at school, the fact that they were made to wear school uniform. On average 90% of Britain's school children are FORCED to wear a school uniform. 90%. And this number is always increasing. Think how many people that is. Hundreds, thousands, millions of kids walking about dressed exactly the same, like identical robots. Also think how much time is wasted on the uniform. Going out and buying it. Time wasted by you getting dressed into the uniform with a thousand layers-the kind of layers that keeps you roasting in summer and does bugger all in the winter-, time wasted by parents washing the uniform and ironing it continuously. Don't forget the uniform has to be worn 5 days a week, so it's not just a case of wash it Saturday, iron it for Monday†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦it's more like wash it Tuesday, iron it Tuesday, wash it again Thursday, iron it Thursday and then wash it for Monday again on Saturday. It's a never ending cycle. Not only that, teacher's time is being wasted by having to CHECK that you wearing the goddamn thing. â€Å"Why haven't you got your tie on?† – The tie you can't even see â€Å"Why have you got your trainers on?† – What difference does it make what shoes you wear? Expensive time is being wasted on this pointless matter: time which could cost your child those marks to get a better exam level. Uniform are restrictive, and in a recent survey 99% of people feel uncomfortable in their uniform. This causes them to fidget and lose their concentration. Concentration which is already at a low level. Nothing bad can come out of banning school uniform. Nothing. People will argue that too much pressure will be put on parents to buy designer clothes for their children, but I disagree. Clothes that people own now would be worn and there was no pressure on buying these so there should be no pressure to buy new clothes. Pressure is already on parents to buy the school uniform so this is a pointless point. We have to ban the school uniform for people's individuality. If we don't people will dress exactly the same all their lives, until we become one world of uniform wearing, identical robots. It's been said that somewhere in the world there is someone who looks EXACTLY like you. Imagine if there were a billion people look exactly like you? So people, join me in saying â€Å"Ban the uniform, ban it now before it is too late!† In my speech I used: * Clusters of 3 * Repetition * Use of statistics * Addressing the reader * Repetition of powerful phrases * Point of the disadvantages of not agreeing * Rhetorical questions * Alliteration * Short, sharp sentences * Ending with the main slogan

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Modern World: Things Fall Apart

â€Å" We cannot leave the matter in his hands because he doesn’t not understand our customs, just as we do not understand his. We say he is foolish because he does not know our ways, and perhaps he says we are foolish because we do not know his. Let him go away† (*1). This quote shows the major theme of the book which is change vs tradition. The quote shows the theme perfectly; basically it shows the ignorance of most of the Umuofia clan and their fear of the white peoples culture taking over theirs. They are dealing with the question of whether change should be privileged over tradition.The people of Umuofia want a little change but at the same time they have fear of completely losing their way of life, the people are divided on the subject at hand at what the right and wrong thing to do is, and how much is to much change. When the first white men was seen there was controversy already. The man was seen in Abame, the elders immediately went to see their oracle out of fear. The oracle told the elders that â€Å" the strange man would break their clan and spread destruction among them† (*2). So the people killed the white men immediately out of fear.Then a few weeks later out of revenge three white men went to the Abame market and shot everyone except the people that weren't there. The Abame people were foolish they should have known â€Å" Never kill a man who says nothing† ( * 3). But regardless of why the shooting happened at the Abame market the gossip had started and the fear had set in for the white men. After the Abame incident, other white people began to show. The white missionaries went to Umuofia and had begun building churches there and began getting converts.Not everyone was fond of the new religion though, but the leaders of the clan were not scarred because they believed that the weird faith would not last. Missionaries also arrived in the village of Mbanta. The missionaries begun telling the people of the villages abo ut the new religion â€Å" We have been sent by this great God to ask you to leave your wicked ways and false gods and turn to Him so that you may be saved when you die† (*4). The missionaries started to have the people of the villages question their religion and culture, and to make them think am I just worshiping false gods of wood and stone?Is all the rituals and killing and destroying innocent children actually right? Many questions began to stir. One person in particular who was captivated by the new religion was Nwoye, Okonkwo’s son. Nwoye became one of the first converts, but because of this change with his life that meant that he was no longer part of Okonkwo’s life or ever be considered his son. Even though this hurt Nwoye, he felt a relief in his life, so he thought that he could find other people within his new religion that would love him more then his father ever had.As the missionaries kept on spreading the word of their new religion and changing p eoples life’s, they decided to ask for some land to build their church. So the clan decided to give them as much land somewhere as they wanted. The missionaries were very happy that they were getting the land, but what they didn’t know was the land they were getting was called the â€Å"evil forest† because it was alive with sinister forces and was evil. The â€Å" evil forest† was where the clan had buried everyone that died from evil diseases.There was a so called curse that was set on the forest, so the people of Mbanta expected the missionaries to all be dead within four days. Not knowing of the curse the missionaries begun immediately clearing out the forest and building their church, and as each day went by and no one was dying the people of Mbanta were questioned about why the curse wasn't working on the white men. The church in Mbanta kept getting stronger and stronger as each day passed and was getting more converts. Okonkwo remained angered at t he new changes in Mbanto, â€Å" until the abominable gang was chased out of the village with whips there would be no peace† (*5).Although some did not mind the changes â€Å" It is not our custom to fight for our gods, let us not presume to do so now† (*6). Although everyone had their own opinions of the matter at hand, the assembly out of fear decided to exclude the christians from the privileges and life of the clan. Even though the new faith had only a few converts at first, the christians quickly grew and had became a small community and they were not going to be easily shut down. After the seven years of Okonkwo living in Mbanta, he was finally able to go back to Umuofia after being exiled.Although things had been changing in Mbanta, Okonkwo was unaware that Umuofia had also been changing. He still expected to just go back and have everything still be the same, even though that was the total opposite. The new church was not the only thing that had changed since h e was gone in Umuofia; the white men also brought a new government to the village. The men of power were no longer the high titled men, chief priests, and the elders, the men of power were now the District of Commissioner, and the court messengers.The District Commissioner had become the head of the government in Umuofia who judged cases ignorantly, then there were the court messengers who guarded the new prison, which was filled with citizens who would not listen to the white man’s laws. Okonkwo was very confused about what has happened to the village he once had some power over. â€Å" What is it that has happened to our people? Why have they lost the power to fight (*7)? † Okonkwo was so flabbergasted about how his once perfectly traditional south african village had changed into a government controlled christian village.So many things were changing, not only did the white men bring a new religion, and a new government, but they also brought trading to the village, which helped the village have more of a money flow and schools were beginning to be built. The clan had become barely recognizable to Okonkwo anymore, it was falling apart in his eyes. The village had not only begun to fall apart in Okonkwo’s eyes but in others soon to follow too. On the annual worship of the earth goddess day, one of the egwugwu’s masks were accidentally torn off by Enoch, which was one of the greatest crimes a man could commit.Enoch showed everyone that that the egwugwu’s were merely men impersonating spirits, therefore Enoch had basically killed an ancestral spirit. From Enoch doing that he helped the missionaries falsify the Umuofia's religion and show that it was all superstition, but he also re-sparked the conflict between the christian church and the clan. That was the last straw for the clan with dealing with the christians, â€Å" Tell him to go back to his house and leave us alone†¦ But this shrine which he built must be destroye d. We shall no longer allow it in our midst† (*8).The clan came in agreement to burns down the church; which makes Okonkwo very happy for once. The men in Umuofia finally begun to take back the village that was once theirs, so the next few days the men were armed and stayed aware. As the men were on cloud nine thinking things might end up going back to the traditional ways, they forgot to remember that their was still a government. The district commissioner was at a tour when the clan decided to burn down the church and not follow the laws. But when the District Commissioner did come back from his tour, Mr.Smith, who was the head missionary ,immediately caught the Commissioner up on what had happened while he was away. After finding out what had happened the Commissioner got his messenger to round up the leaders of Umuofia for a meeting. When all six leaders, including Okonkwo, met up at the commissioners headquarters they were asked what had happened, before they even had a c hance to explain what had happened then they were immediately arrested. â€Å" I have brought you here because you joined together to molest others, to burn people’s houses and their place of worship† (*8).The six leaders were fined with two hundred bags of cowries and were sentenced to prison and would not be released until they paid the fine, and if they choose not to they would be taken to Umuru to be hung. Thankfully each one of the leaders paid the fine, and were set free. Okonkwo was so incredible angered when he was let out of the prison. Later that night when he went back to his hut he could barley even sleep. All he could think about was revenge, and how no matter what he was not going to back out of his plan.The next morning he went to the meeting place, which was the marketplace where he was going to meet Obierika. â€Å" All our gods are weeping. Idemili is weeping, Ogwugwu is weeping, Agbala is weeping, and all the others. Our dead fathers are weeping bec ause of the shameful sacrilege they are suffering and the abomination we have all seen with our eyes† (*9). Okonkwo decided that enough was enough he was not going to stand by and watch his clan fall apart any longer. â€Å" We must root out this evil. And if our brothers take the side of evil we must root them out too.And we must do it now. We must bale this water now that it is only ankle deep†¦ † (*10). And that is exactly what Okonkwo did. He stood by his word, and he did what he felt was right. He shot and killed a messenger at the market place, where every person witnessed with their own eyes. Shortly after this the District Commissioner arrived at Okonkwo’s compound to retrieve him to be killed because of the sin he had just committed, but the commissioner along with a few other people had realized he was to late the deed had been already done.Okonkwo was found hanging dead on a tree behind his compound; he committed suicide. When Okonkwo was found de ad Obierika turned to the District Commissioner and said, â€Å" That man was one of the greatest men in Umuofia. You drove him to kill himself; and now he will be buried like a dog† (*11). So rather then wait to be killed and humiliated, Okonkwo took matters into his own hands and killed himself. In the book Things fall apart the main character Okonkwo ended up both losing and winning at the end.He lost in the sense of the new religion, and government, and basically just the overall change ended up winning over tradition. Which was what he feared all along. But in a sense he won because the last thing he did before he died was something he completely believed was the right thing to do, so he never gave up or stopped trying, even though he knows that he did all that he could and tried. But In the end it was just unbearable for him to live any longer with all that had changed in his village, so he did what he wanted to do, which was killing the messenger, then he killed himsel f.He killed himself because he understood that since he killed the messenger he was then going to be killed for the sin he had committed. But he he didn't want to be killed by someone else and be made as an example, and he didn’t want to give the satisfaction to the District Of Commissioner by letting himself get killed by him. So in the end he just gave up and realized their was nothing else he could do about the situation at hand. â€Å"The world has no end, and what is good among one people is an abomination with others† (* 11).That shows that no matter that people will always see things differently, what is good or bad or what is right or what is wrong. No matter what, the world will never be agreeing on the matter at hand, there will always be fighting and arguing as long as their is something to be argued about. So in the end through all the fighting and heartache Okonkwo’s death symbolized the tradition dyeing out and change taking over.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Black Hole Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Black Hole - Essay Example The book discusses the study conducted by a scientist Jim Al-Khalili on the various theories that have presented by Einstein. Black holes are a part of the universe and space and Einstein have presented a number of theories regarding this concept. And the scientist earlier mentioned have studied in detail all these theories and have presented several different new discoveries which he discovered during this study. Universe, time and space are all directly related to the concept of the black hole and have direct relations with the existence and non-existence of black holes. The scientist has presented that certain theories presented by Einstein like the theory of relativity are not completely applicable to the concept of the black hole. On the other hand, scientists like Einstein himself believes that the theories are true and in working condition. The book was a great source of information and provided with great deals of information and the book contained certain information which c ould not be found in other relevant books. Through the studying of the book, it can be concluded that the book is written after the great research and through study. This is a dissertation that has been written purely on the concept of black holes, the controversies that have been presented on the concept of black holes. Many theories have been presented regarding the concept of black holes and as a result, a number of contradictions have been presented on the topic of the black hole. Â  ... On the other hand, scientists like Einstein himself believes that the theories are true and in working condition. The book was a great source of information and provided with great deals of information and the book contained certain information which could not be found in other relevant books. Through the studying of the book it can be concluded that the book is written after great research and through study. Potvin, Geoffrey D, and Amanda . Peet. Singularity Resolution and the Black Hole Information Paradox. , 2006. Print. This is a dissertation that has been written purely on the concept of black holes, the controversies that have been presented on the concept of black holes. Many theories have been presented regarding the concept of black holes and as a result a number of contradictions have been presented on the topic of black hole. This book which is in actual a thesis has discussed in detail these controversies and the paradox that exists regarding the issue of black hole. Blac k hole is such a big controversy in the history of science that no other issue can second it. Many famous scientists have declared that black holes are a part of this universe and they are an unshaken reality while on the other numerous other renowned and eminent scientists have presented theories that there is no such thing as black holes and all the concept behind the black holes that has been presented by scientists who support are totally illogical and baseless. This thesis has discussed these various issues in detail and has presented its own view regarding this issue. The thesis is very interesting piece of writing and very informative. Fabbri, Alessandro, and Jose? Navarro-Salas. Modeling Black Hole Evaporation. London: Imperial College Press, 2005.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Right ingredients for a successful M&A Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Right ingredients for a successful M&A - Essay Example Factors such as shifting market dynamics from US to Emerging Markets, rising healthcare demand due to ageing population, regulatory and government changes due to economic environment and patent expiration of blockbuster drugs and the failure of R&D have led companies to restructure, grow inorganically and contain costs. Rationale behind M&A in Pharma There are a number of reasons behind which organizations merge or aquire each other, the most presiding one is accelerating growth. Pharma industry has some unique growth drivers that lead the companies to grow inorganically rather in the conventional way. The key drivers of M&A growth in the pharmaceutical industries are: 1. R&D Productivity: The pharmaceutical industry is research-intensive industry, with an average R&D to sales ratio as high as 18%, compared to 4% for US manufacturing industry overall (Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of America, 2011). The R&D process is expensive costing $1.3bn in average (Grabowski, 200 7) time-consuming (12-15 years) and highly risky in their outcomes. Hence, by joining the research expertise of the two companies, M&As can profoundly improve the research performance of the firms involved. 2. Pipeline growth: An important investing criterion in pharma firms is evaluating company’s drug pipeline. Inspite of the exorbitant R&D spend, drug pipelines of companies are quite barren, especially the late?stage pipelines. Hence it is imperative for the Pharma companies to look outside in order to fill their pipelines. 3. Search for Blockbusters: Blockbusters, defined as brands with annual sales in excess of $1 billion, continue to drive growth. Pharma companies constantly search for blockbuster drug molecules such as Eli Lily’s Prozac or Pfizer’s Lipitor to boast their... Right ingredients for a successful M&A There are a number of reasons behind which organizations merge or aquire each other, the most presiding one is accelerating growth. Pharma industry has some unique growth drivers that lead the companies to grow inorganically rather in the conventional way. The key drivers of M&A growth in the pharmaceutical industries are: R&D Productivity: The pharmaceutical industry is research-intensive industry, with an average R&D to sales ratio as high as 18%, compared to 4% for US manufacturing industry overall.The R&D process is expensive costing $1.3bn in average time-consuming and highly risky in their outcomes. Hence, by joining the research expertise of the two companies, M&As can profoundly improve the research performance of the firms involved. Pipeline growth: An important investing criterion in pharma firms is evaluating company’s drug pipeline. In spite of the exorbitant R&D spend, drug pipelines of companies are quite barren, especially the late†¨stage pipelines. Hence it is imperative for the Pharma companies to look outside in order to fill their pipelines. Blockbusters, defined as brands with annual sales in excess of $1 billion, continue to drive growth. Pharma companies constantly search for blockbuster drug molecules such as Eli Lily’s Prozac or Pfizer’s Lipitor to boast their top lines. The period for which the patented drug can be masrketed is effectively 4-5 years after which the patent owning company loses its exclusivity to market and sell the drug.

Contrast between Japanese Ninja Anime and American Ninja Cartoon Essay

Contrast between Japanese Ninja Anime and American Ninja Cartoon - Essay Example This is because if the movies lacked the bad people, then it would not have achieved the current audience level. The main difference between the two films is the level of engagement between characters. For instance in Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow, the characters maintain a fair relationship without getting into extreme action. In the first scenes, Naruto and his accomplices are assigned the role of protecting an actor during a filming procession. At first, the characters have a fair relationship and there is not much to report in terms of action and conflicts. Real action begins soon after the characters reach the land of snow where they were attracted by bad guys. Unlike TMNT, the Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow has proactive action (Wiater 98). In this approach, the main characters only attract after they have been attacked. On the other hand, TMNT characters display active action. Through this approach, the characters go out in search of bad guys. The film is set in a crime-ravaged New York City where the ninja turtles are out to fight crime. Unlike the previous movie, the ninja turtles go out in search of criminals and engage them. The movie is more action packed than Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow. The action scenes in the film are fun to watch and they have a comic approach. Indeed, the action in the movie lacks a definite story of a purposeful theme (Rahimi 34). The turtles are involved in street fights to secure the place in the city and to curb lawlessness. However, the titles attack crime suspects even before confirming their involvement in crime. The films have striking artistic features. At the beginning, both movies have stunning colors. Unfortunately, things begin to... The two movies are related yet very different in terms of presentation and use of cinematography techniques. Moreover, the films have different ways of creating and presentation of characters. Nevertheless, the movies have a similar audience and their plot developments are almost similar. The two films use different approaches character creation. Although both films use hypothetical characters, there was a tendency to create a sense of reality among the directors. The American Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle uses cartoons while Japanese Anime Ninja uses amines to develop its characters. Unlike cartoons, amines have distinct facial expressions that can be used to create a wide variety of physical characteristics. Thus, amines are closer to reality than cartoon (Eastman 123). On the other hand, cartoons have features that are far from being real (Wiater 98). Moreover, cartoons do not have proportional physical appearances. Amines can be used to tell real human stories while cartoons are us ed specifically for comic purposes. The attributes of cartoons and amine as described above create distinctive element between the two films. Moreover, the different approach to character development audience and plot. Indeed, plot and theme development in both movies was determined by the differences in character developments and creation. The movies have significant levels of similarity despite having different set up, themes and character selection. Both films tell ninja stories and elimination of crime and bad guys. The films also have disparities in their selection of colors and background structures. This makes them to attract different audiences and following.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Al Qaeda in Yemen Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Al Qaeda in Yemen - Assignment Example This paper looks into the multiple dimensions of the problem ranging from its threat to the stakeholders, the history, current scenario and other dynamics of the problem at hand (Rollins 2010,p. 10). The overall threat comes in a multiple manner. The first is that to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia shares its borders with Yemen. The potential control of Al- Qaeda in Yemen would lead to its expansion and reach out towards the borders of Saudi- Arabia. Saudi Arabia itself feels highly threatened and vulnerable by the ambitions of Al- Qaeda. It is a threat to the regional peace and poses serious threats to the gulf that exists between the Shiite and Sunni population which is being exploited by external sources. Another threat that is faced by the Yemen itself. Since Yemen’s elected government has been ousted in form of control over the office of President Mansur Hadi. Al- Qaeda being a globally banned outfit and radical in its outlook, the people of Yemen are at a direct threat in this regard since they are not only hostile to the locals but the outside world. Secondly, Al Qaeda’s actions have often been seen with high concern and fear by the Shiite population of Middle East. Given the fact that their slogan is religious in nature and they claim to be the protective guardians of the Sunni community, the over forty five plus percent Shiite population of feels directly exposed to this threat. The concerns of United States of America come about in the form of the spread of Al- Qaeda and its agendas and ideals. Since United States of America has initiated a global war on terror and aims at reaching out to any part of the world where Al- Qaeda may be operational, it therefore is a new front for United States of America to engaged in Yemen. United States of America is already engaged in mitigating the challenge thrown by Al- Qaeda in Iraq. This would lead to a new front (Davis 2008,p.144). While the traces of Jihadi elements

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Citibank's E-Business Strategy for Global Corporate Banking Case Study

Citibank's E-Business Strategy for Global Corporate Banking - Case Study Example The present research has identified that technology has brought enormous changes to the business practices. Talking about businesses, technology is not restricted to any one kind of business. With the changing technology it has become an essential part of the business practices to adapt accordingly. Changes in technology have been followed globally and by every business sector. One of the most important technologies that have caused the most powerful impact on the businesses is â€Å"Internet†. It has revolutionized the ways of doing business. The most enticing change that it has brought by the â€Å"Internet† is â€Å"E-Commerce†. Firms and industries have shifted towards E-commerce. Many firms have used this technology to set their competitive advantage. Use of internet for conducting business has helped in globalization. It has changed the dimensions of competition throughout the world. Use of internet has transformed the firms’ relationships with the c ustomers, employees, suppliers and other logistic partners. E-commerce is basically the use of internet technology to buy and sell goods. E-commerce has led to the emergence of new markets. It has led to the reduction in costs. Many firms that were unable to adapt the concept of using E-commerce have suffered. As mentioned before, E-commerce is not restricted to any one business sector. Banking is one sector that has faced a huge impact of E-commerce on its business practices; to such an extent that E-commerce has now become directly linked with the profitability (BECKER, S. A. 2008; MEHTA, V., SUDAN, A. S., & DAWRA, S. 2003; MALHOTRA.P &SINGH.B. 2009) Use of internet has changed the customer needs and expectations. It has also influenced the strategic decision-making of the firms. Banking sector had to come up ways in order to successfully adapt to this new technology. They needed a way to translate their traditional strengths into an internet-based business model so it could add m ore value for the customers. Use of internet has changed the infrastructure for the delivering of goods. Is has increased the time-span for the customers. Now they can connect with the bank at anytime and anywhere. This means that there has been an increase in the banking hours and customers can avail the banking facilities at anytime; especially the transaction facilities. Use of internet to facilitate the routine business practices has led to an immense increase in competition between the firms. Even the use of internet has to be done in a differentiated way. This is exactly how the Citibank incorporated this revolutionary technology into its business model. It not only proved to be successful but set an example for all the other firms that are present within the banking sector (BECKER, S. A. 2008; ENGLER, H., & ESSINGER, J. 2000; UNITED NATIONS. 1998) Point of Differentiation At the end of 1990, Citibank made a change to its corporate bank activities. It changed its corporate bus iness strategy form decentralized to centralized strategy. The bank aimed to build a single

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Effects of Training and Development on Overall Organizational Research Paper

Effects of Training and Development on Overall Organizational Performance - Research Paper Example With employees’ development, an organization is able to retain them at their place of work for their own growth and for the growth of the organization for they will be able to fill new positions arising in the organization. In this paper, I will generally discuss training and development on overall organizational performance through work of HR management. I will also discuss how the human resource department seeks to improve the overall performance of its employees through training and development programs. The paper will deal mainly with the effects of training and development programs in improving employees’ performance and how it helps an organization to realize its goals by giving different perspectives from different authors and researchers. Training and development are essential to the success of all organizations. This is because; it ensures the ongoing managing of the performance of employees in organizations. Employee pieces of training not only set goals for t he employees but also monitors and motivates them in achieving the set goals. All human resource management should initiate training and development programs in their organizations so as to nurture professionals and a staff that is competent. It is vital because of the changes in economic and technological trends and the increase in the pace of modernization. All organizations need training and development so as to be able to grow faster with the changes. Training and development increase employees’ performance and it also increases the achievement of organizational goals. It is a fact that training and development of employees enhance eventual employee’s productivity and performance in an organization. Many organizations have occupied their staff in training and development programs so as to improve their performance. The performance of employees needs to be upgraded regularly. For an organization to meet its goals there is a need to instigate training, development, a nd employee evaluation programs. The best and most powerful tool in human resource training and development in e-learning. Online learning is very important because nowadays, everything is done technologically and all employees should be technologically literate. New technologies help in the improvement of an organizations performance. Even though there were cases whereby most employees were resistant to change, presently, they do embrace change. Due to this, most organizations are giving their employees training and development in their organizations for better performance. A research conducted by Rivera  found out that the human resource management is very confident and keen on the positive effects that training and development programs bring to their organizations (56). Many HR professionals interviewed during this research confirmed that the success and excellent performance of an organization highly rely on the constant training and development of its employees. The same rese arch revealed that many employees are happy with the training given to them and they also confirmed that it has improved their performance and it has increased their self-efficiency.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Video Project Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Video Project Reflection Paper - Essay Example In our case, the whole concept of professionalism boarded on respect, both for other members as well as for oneself. The task and the entire project were daunting, and it took a toll on everyone’s schedules; without self-respect, we would not manage to get everything going within the stipulated timeframe. Fortunately, most of us were extremely focused and aligned with the project’s requirements. As such, we exhibited a great deal of professionalism with respect to the expedition. However, a little lack of professionalism still surfaced, at some point some would not complete their duties in time, but with the help of others, they were successful in the end. On the same note, members were highly respectful and patience with regards to the opinions of other members. Each opinion, regardless of how wrong it may seem, was accepted and later isolated with facts, and in a way that left everyone satisfied. In any situation where more than one person is involved, conflicts of interest are bound to arise. Likewise, our team had to struggle with conflicts resulting from different points of view. Working in a team is never an easy task; everyone has their opinions, all which have to be harmonized and integrated with the overall objective of the project (Schon 9). On this note I found myself in a tight corner- most of the time having to deal with a mixture of feelings. From the onset of the project, I felt somewhat awkward; some members seemed to dislike the tasks they were allocated. Furthermore, the team had to evaluate all the different opinions given by the members. As is not enough, the introverted team members who rarely contributed to the discussions felt out of place, and somehow unrecognized. To contain the conflict that could probably blow out of proportion, everyone was required to contribute each time a motion popped up. The collectively, each proposal was evaluated in a more c omprehensive and inclusive

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Four Views of Hell Essay Example for Free

Four Views of Hell Essay These four professors argue the following views of hell: literal, metaphorical, purgatorial and conditional interpretations. This book peers inside the different theories of hell, each of their relation to the Bible and the evolution throughout time. Each chapter begins with that particular scholar’s view, followed by the rebuttal by his colleagues. Brief Summary The first chapter is written by, John Walvoord, and he begins by providing the foundation for the literal view of hell. The author expends the greater part of this section of the book describing these fundamental principles. He argues that hell is a position of perpetual punishment for those who are sinners in the Earth. He derives this view from native translations of the Bible using both the Old and New Testaments. Walvoord exactly takes the words from the Bible’s predictions and the absolute inerrancy of the Bible to suggest that this is the only way to view hell and eternal punishment. The chapter concludes with the author using the literal view to encourage the reader to help people avoid hell and the painfulness, by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The second chapter is written by William V. Crockett and he has taken the metaphorical view of hell, as read in the Bible and studied by scholars. His view of hell is comparable to the preceding author’s view; it only differs in how the punishment will be administered to the lost. The author has strong Calvinsitic ties, in that he believes that the fortellings of the punishment of hell is not to be taken literally, but as a metaphor. Crockett further states that the reality of hell is indescribable with words and the words that are contained in the Bible are only a breakdown that the human mind can absorb. The chapter concludes with the author stating his disdain for the conditional view. In the third chapter, Zachary J. Hayes takes on the subject of purgatory in the hell discussion. Purgatory in this book is a place where the dead will go, when they don’t quite make it to heaven, but are not bad enough for hell. Notably the author cannot find any Biblical references for purgatory, however he does state that the idea of purgatory evolved from a personal tradition that the Catholic Church adopted. Hayes does also note that he agrees with the metaphorical view of hell. In fourth chapter of the book is written by Dr. Clark Pinnock on the conditional view of hell. The conditional view is also referred to as annihilation, which means that hell will be a punishment of fire and lead to utter destruction of sinners. The actual destruction is the punishment, not the fire itself. Pinnock, uses diverse scriptures that support his claim of everlasting death and God’s moral values. Critical interaction with the author’s work The authors’ goal of this book is to give an educated as well as Biblical look at the different versions of hell. Although the word is talked about many times, but the authors’ aim is to give people all the information available on the subject. After which the reader can make personal decision about their own personal truth. The authors do achieve his goal of factually representing the literal, metaphorical, purgatorial and conditional interpretations of hell. Each author has not imposed his personal opinion or view of hell, but however stated the facts from Biblical and theological sources. Also, having each author evaluate the other authors’ arguments shows potential fallacies in each and gives the reader information to further reflect, evaluate and draw personal conclusions. The strengths of this book would be first, the book was written by students of the word who supported the majority of their arguments with scripture first and with theology second. In the literal view of hell the author comes directly from scriptures and uses those scriptures to plainly paint a picture that we have already been taught since childhood. In the metaphorical argument of hell the author uses scriptures that show support the claim that the descriptions of hell are only be used as metaphors and not to be interpreted literally. The chapter on the conditional view of hell is well written and covers the punishment and destruction parts of hell thoroughly. The first weakness that we encounter in this book is the fact that in the literal view of hell the author does not address the issue of why the scriptures must be taken literally, instead of figuratively. In the metaphorical view of hell the author never addresses the issue of what will actually be, nor does he attempt to answer questions that seem to violate the traits of God. The author in the conditional view of hell uses much of his writing to appeal to the human senses and not to justify those emotions or feelings with scriptures. In the view on purgatory the author spends very little to no time talking about hell, but the time that is between heaven and hell. Although purgatory is the median between heaven and hell the author seems to focus on how the soul can make it to heaven and not the latter. In my opinion I feel that this book would not be suitable for all lay persons to read. I feel that this book would be of best use in the hands of all persons who teach in the church. This book would not only give them basis for what they believe in, but it would also give them the opportunity to understand the contradictions in various beliefs. I feel that this book could be a useful tool to teach about sin. Although the authors have different views on what hell will actually be like, but it does hold one idea in agreement. Hell is a real place it, and sinners will be there. After some research there seem to be many other books that are written about hell. Those other books, after reading summaries, take a similar approach and try to inform the reader what hell is going to be like and what it is not going to be. Many of those books not only deal with hell, but they also address heaven as well with the same level of concern. Conclusion In conclusion the book â€Å"The four views of hell,† the author does achieve his goal. However I feel that the chapter on purgatory did not fit in the book, because the argument was not supported by scriptures and does not necessary classify itself as hell. The book does make thing a little bit about heaven, but more about sin. This book points the finger back to the place where we need not only teach about heaven, but teach also about hell. Many people get lost in the mind frame that there is only heaven or life on earth.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Ghost of Tom Joad and The Grapes of Wrath Essay Example for Free

The Ghost of Tom Joad and The Grapes of Wrath Essay Through the The Ghost of Tom Joad and The Grapes of Wrath, Springsteen and Steinbeck, in their respective works, comment on the state of social distress and despondency existent within their individual societies. Through making parallels with the depression related issues of the 1930s addressed by Steinbeck and those of the early 1990s recession, Springsteen connects the people and social quandaries of both time periods to remark on the necessity of mans spirit. To this end, through investigating each works characterization of human resolve and unification, employment of Tom Joad and Jim Casy to embody mans spirit, and similar social atmosphere, the connection between the thematic force of the novel and Springsteens subsequent writing is made evident. Throughout his lyrics, Springsteen consistently parallels ideas presented by Steinbeck in The Grapes of Wrath in order to exhibit past American spirit in social struggles and the need for such resolve to engender change in his own time. Springsteen achieves this rhythmically through keeping the refrain in a constant ABAB rhyme scheme and other stanzas in an AABB rhyme scheme; this provides a consistency and repetition in the speakers message to the reader, and links his own dilemma in Searchin for the ghost of Tom Joad (R), or mans spirit, to the overall plight of the people made evident the non-refrain stanzas. Additionally, this mirrors Steinbecks effort in The Grapes of Wrath to characterize the migrant struggle through both the microcosm of the Joads and then more broadly in the intercalary chapters. Moreover, Springsteens actual description of the current plight parallels Steinbecks ideas on the downtrodden American. In saying Men walkin long the railroad tracks, Goin someplace, theres no goin back (1-2) the speaker is alluding Steinbecks writing of the tenant men came walkingmaybe we can start againBut you cant start. Only a baby can start (119). Additionally, like The Grapes of Wrath, the depiction of social struggles in The Ghost of Tom Joad becomes gradually stronger in tone and more visceral in visualization as made evident by both artists use of various literary devices. The speakers description In a cardboard box neath the underpass, Got a one-way ticket to the promised land, You got a hole in your belly and a gun in your hand(12-14) provokes imagery of man ready to bring about change through violence. This is also concurrent with Steinbecks depictions of the migrant as said in one intercalary chapter -the rifle? Wouldnt go out naked of a rifle. When shoes and clothes and food, when even hope is gone, well have the rifle.(120) Also, Springsteens employment of personification The highway is alive tonight(R) and metaphors Sleeping on a pillow of solid rock (15) augments his attempt to connect and make more vivid, the plights of those depicted by the speaker in the song. Overall there is a building that occurs within the stanzas; from the beginning depictions of the disposed to the pledges made by Tom in the last non-refrain stanza, there is a progression toward exhibiting the need for mans unification. As Steinbeck builds this idea through the exploits and sacrifices of Ma, Tom, Casy and Rose of Sharon, Springsteen does likewise through his lyrics to transport that idea to the modern day. Furthermore, both works use the characters of Tom Joad and Jim Casy as vehicles for expressing the spirit the destitute need to attain in dealing with their troubles. Through juxtaposing images of the impoverished with those of his own introspection, the speaker (who is himself needy) makes evident the importance of what the characters of Tom Joad and Casy embody and how that representation is needed in society. Throughout the work, the speaker gives various descriptions of the downtrodden American Shelter line stretchin round the corner (5), Families sleepin in their cars in the Southwest, No home no job no peace no rest (7-8), Sleeping on a pillow of solid rock, Bathing in the city aqueduct (15-16). These descriptions, inter-cut with the refrain of Searchin for the ghost of Tom Joad (R), Waitin on the ghost of Tom Joad (R) quite clearly show the speakers desire for a change in condition and will. Moreover, when scrutinizing the diction that references Tom Joad as a ghost the absence of his spirit from humanity is made apparent; a spirit both Springsteen and Steinbeck find paramount in ending the plight of the destitute. Springsteen furthers this point in referencing Toms saying Mom, wherever theres a cop beatin a guy, Wherever a hungry newborn cries, Where theres a fight gainst blood and hatred in the airOr decent job or a helping hand, Wherever somebodys struggling to be free, Look in their eyes Mom youll see me (17-24) Though this typifies what the speaker wishes to see in his contemporaries, it also indirectly alludes to Toms ideals as presented in the novel by paraphrasing his last conversation with Ma. Ill be everwhere-wherever you look.when our folks eat the stuff they raise an live in the houses they build -why, Ill be there(572). The use of allusion is key to Springsteens aims here as when characterizing Casy and evidencing the biblical ties made to him. He pulls a prayer book out of his sleeping bag, Preacher lights up a butt and takes a drag, Waitin for when the last shall be first and the first shall be last(9-10) The preacher reference is clearly Casy, yet there is a biblical allusion made that is concurrent with idea behind the phrase The meek shall inherit the Earth (Beatitudes, Sermon on the Mount). The saying implies that those who forgo worldly power will be rewarded in the kingdom of heaven. This idea plays to the thoughts that both Springsteen and Steinbeck are trying to get across in their respective works and the selfless nature that Joad and Casy embody. Springsteens use of these two characters in his lyrics propel the thematic spirit of Steinbecks work while serving as an inspirational ideal for those he is trying to reach in his own society. Moreover, the overall similarities between the social climates of the early 1990s and 1930s allow Springsteen to illustrate the need for renewed spirit in his own time. The economic recession that characterized the early 1990s with skyrocketing unemployment, declines in housing starts, and slashes in social-welfare programs, mirrored greatly the atmosphere surrounding the Great Depression over six decades before. With over 34 million Americans below the poverty line, the nation was hardly a new world coming into view as characterized in George Bushs post-Gulf War speech. The presidents promising that the prospect of a new world order would utilize the principles of justice and fair play [to] protect the weak against the strong is denoted with sarcasm by Springsteen lyrics saying Shelter line stretchin round the corner, Welcome to the new world order(5-6). Springsteen utilizes a dire description of the disposed in 1990s America (as well as 1930s) through saying No home no job no rest (8) in order to exemplify their strife and the need for change. Steinbecks describing the Three hundred thousand, hungry and miserable; if they should ever know themselves, the land will be theirs(325) typifies the idea Springsteen is trying to get across; that if the disposed of his time attain a renewed will, they can engender change and end their strife. Both the The Ghost of Tom Joad and The Grapes of Wrath exhibit commentary on the social conditions of their time and the need for change among the people. Though the afore mentioned works have been written in vastly different eras, they comment on very similar social climates. Through creating parallels in the characterization of humanity, using Tom Joad and Jim Casy to embody that characterization and recognizing social similarities between the two time periods, Springsteen generates a work that calls for the return of the human spirit to a despondent society in the same vein Steinbeck does in The Grapes of Wrath.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Strategy And Operation Management In Business Commerce Essay

Strategy And Operation Management In Business Commerce Essay Companies and organisations are making and delivering products, whether it is for profit or not for profit it relies on the processes to get their products manufactured properly and another thing that is kept in mind is that the products should be delivered on time, and every process acts as an operation for the company. To the company this is essential, that is why managers find operation management very attractive. Operations Management objectives Operation management objectives is a very broad term for any business, which has a great impact on categories like Shareholders, customers and employees. Following are the main categories Suppliers operations of a company has a great effect on its suppliers, as to have a supplier network which is more effective which can help in improve busienss. Customers Customers is the most important part for business as they are ones through which company makes profit, management of operation should always be done keeping in mind the target market. Shareholders shareholders can only get the benefit if the business is making good money which can only be achieved by proper management of processes at each level. Employees employees are the one who makes a company and runs it so in order to make their job easy and keep them motivated towards work a company should have a proper management of operations in every department and at every level. Society Scoiety effects any business externally though it might not have any direct relation with the company economically. But over the recent years social responsibility has become a part of business world and now being socilally responsible is important for almost every company which is why most of the companies now manage their operations keeping in mind their social rexponsibility. (Slack,N., et al. (2004) 4th Ed) Operation Management in Exxon Mobil History Exxon mobil operates its petrochemical facilities or marketing product worldwide and its industry leader almost every aspest. Exxon mobil was created by the marger of Exxon (Esso parent company) and its idea is nothing new. The corporate entities that one day Exxon and Mobil become a common share ancestry. The Standard Oil Trust founded by John D Rockefeller in 1882.   Under this umbrella, two organisations , the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey and the Standard Oil Company of New York ware formed. Jersey Standard and Socony, as they were commonly known, were the predecessors of Exxon and Mobil. In early years both companies expanding their oil and petrochemical business around the world. Finaly they realised that they can operate more competitively and effectively as an organisation. Its merger completed on 30 Nev, 1999. ( Operational Management in Exxon Mobil Exxon Mobil conducts business in such a way that is compatible with the environmental and economic needs of all communities in which they operates safety, health and security of their employees, those involved in their operation, customer and public. These policies put into practice through a disciplined management framework called operation management. Its reflect their health, safety,environment and product saftey policies to commitment of highest operational standerds and performence. They use a systemetic approach called Operational Integrity Management System (OIMS). They developed this system to provide strong and healthy framework for managing healthy environment, safety and security risks. They used thier facilities worldwide to measure progress and ensure management accountability for best result in oil and petrochemical. Operation Competitivness Exxon Mobil has a long history of leadership in the petroleum and petrochemical industries. They follow discipline and commitment in performing their business strategies have led to sustainable competitive aspects. Technology; They maintain a unique commitment for advancment in technology in all their business functions consistently investing more than the competition. Integrity; Their approach is very clear to ethics and business integrity is reflected in all their activities. Their goals to report that are clear to understand by investors. Capital Discipline; They take a disciplined, long-term approach to making investment decision. Operational Excellence; They maintain a clear focus on the performance of their business. Employees; Their exceptional quality of their workforce is a long-standing competitive advantage. Worldwide Experience; Their globaly presence allow them to build a existing business experience to capture opportunities in higher-growth region to attrect mor business. Diversity of Operations; Their geographic diversity and complementary nature of Upstream, Downstream and Chemical business mitigate sensitivity to fluctuation in individual business line and market. Financial strength; Their cash flow and financial position, combined with a good credit rating allow them to pursue all profitable opportunities. ExxonMobil increases global capacity Its started its newest high efficiency co-generation plant at its Antwerp refinery in Belgium. Co-generation is process of producing both electricity and steam or heat at the same time which is then used for production or running factories. In addition to that the new plant will also help in reduction of carbon dioxice which is being omitted by approxmately 200000 tonnes per year. The top management at ExxonMobil is well aware of the of energy and cost which go hand in hand, the management has been able to produce energy at low cost and they have also kept in mind the importance of being environment friendly. As the improtance of business ethics is increasing the management at ExxonMobil is also trying to preform their part in being social responsible. The new plant has also allowed to produce enough energy which can then be used to rum compressors, pumps and any other equipment. The plant also produces heat and steam which is used to convert crude oil into different refinded petrolium products. ( ESSO Esso Service Station throught out UK are owned by Exxon Mobil, which is one of the biggest chain of service station in the UK. There are about 196 Tesco Shops at Esso Service Stations throughout Uk Which provide service and make their life more convenient. Location For any business location is very important for success that is why many businesses put so many emphases on location. In retail business there are three main factors for success and they are location, location and location, Management in Esso also understand importance of location in business that is way location for each Esso`s outlet has been very well planned. Esso has outlet in all major cities and try cover maximum amount of customer in particular region. For any outlet the management of Esso conceder following factors. Accessibility Feasibility Convenience Competitor Target market Process Business process is the way in which a company do its business and there is different levels which need to have a different process i.e. each level requires a different approach and every level has different tasks. Business process can be a key to success for any business as it helps in achieving the objectives of the company, for many companies business process the key competitive edge over their competitors. For good business process it is necessary that there is a consistency through the levels of business process and different business processes should be well integrated with each other and should be in line with the main objectives of the company. At Esso each and every process is developed in such a way that it facilitates to achieve the overall business strategy. Business processes are defined in as such that process at every level is well integrated. While developing the business process for every level the management at Esso have maintained the overall vision and goal of the company. TQM Total Quality Management (TQM) is a new tool used by management in order to improve the quality of products services and processes with in the company in order to be more effecient and productive. It is being used by many companeis as tool to provide competitive advantage amongst competitors. TQM has four main stages which are Plan, Do, Check and Act which is also reffered to PDCA cycle. It starts with planning which is the first and one of the most important part of TQM where the problem area is being identified and relavent information is being gathered. The next stage is do where a solution is being implemented in order to solve the problem, the next stage is Check where special tools and strategies are developed in order to tack the performance of solution that was being implemented in the early stage. The last stage is act where changes are being made if probelm still continues. ( Total Quality Management at Esso The management at Esso knows the importance of TQM very well in such a competitive world. To achieve this, the management at Esso has taken few steps at each level of the organisation like, Defining the vision of the company Setting targets Developing business processes Compatible staff Training Performance reviews At operation level i.e. at store level in order to give customers a quality service and to provide customer satisfaction the staff is given proper training for how to operate and run a store they are provided with all product knowledge so as to help customers with their queries. The products and services offered to the customers are well checked for quality purposes before displaying it at any store. ( Flexibility Flexibility is one of the most important factor for any business but one thing should be kept in mind that in order to make the processes of a compnay flexible changes should be made in such a way that it becomes a part of the overall strategy. The business should be flexible enough to so that the changes could be made when the need arises and order to do so there should be a margin for flexibility at every level of the company. As flexibility mainly depends in the processes and systems of the business operation. For any business it is important to have systems and operations which are technologically fast and easy to make changes in order to respond to the changing environment and changing needs of customers. The basic concept of flexibility in business means that how fast can a business respond to the changing enviroment and needs of customers. As environment keeps on changes over time it is important to have business process which is flexible enough to make changes when required, as time as always uncertain which shows the importance of a business being flexible. ( Flexible Workplace at Esso They committed a best choice of employer of thier highly qualified employees and during recurits they achieving and maintaining the highest levels of workplace produstivity. Flexibility program at esso are essential part of commitment as they help employees. ExxonMobil knows the importance of the workforce in achieving the overall goal of the company that is why the management of the company keeps in mind the need and values of the diversied workforce, which is highly qulified and skilled. In order to keep the employees motivated and to make them more effective and efficient the management always has always tried to keep the wokplace as flexible as possible. Attract and keep the most qualified and talented people. Address the several individual needs and expectations of employees and recruits. Maximize produce the goods. Its operations all over the world, each country has a unique flexibility programe due to culture, legal reqrirements and infrastructure. Example of flexibility at workplace and employee program are listed below: Flexible work arrangements There are several customised programs developed at ExxonMobil keeping in mind the needs, desires and expectations of the work force. Some of the key point to make the enviroment flexible is as follows Work place which is adabtable Work targets on weekly basis Worker categories as part-time, full-time and Regular Working hours which can by adjusted accroding to workers needs and suitability Personal Time Time off and paid holidays are given to all employees. Time off can taken because of the following main reasons Immediate death in close family Emergencies Child birth or adoption of child Realocation which is company initiated Cummunit service activities which are being sponsored by the company Skill leaves Other personanal needs Leaves of absence which includes leaves for personnal health or care issues related to any dependant, which also includes military services and other personal needs Other programs Other programs inculde Discounts on products Health program Fitness program Advance holidays and Vacations Financial Counseling Membership for technical scientific and professional societies Assistance with adoption Refund program related to education Reallocation program related to spous Program related to matching gifts Service awards Business Process Outsourcing BPO is a form of outsourcing which is related to information technology. In this process a third party is hired to provide services related to information technology such as software application development management and software application maintenance, operations related to data centre, testing and quality assurance related to IT. ExxonMobil ExxonMobil started to outsource is paytroll function which then included to Employee benefits management. ExxonMobil now have outsourced its whole IT functions. ( Outsourcing at esso CMG plc, the European information technology services company recently floated on the London and Amsterdam stock exchanges, signed an outsourcing agreement with Esso UK, worth almost  £15 million over its five-year term. Under the agreement, CMG has started to carry out the overall project management of Essos IT programme in the UK over the five years. CMG will be responsible for selecting other suppliers to provide complimentary or additional skills as necessary, and for ensuring that projects will be delivered on time and on budget.(

How art improves our lives :: Essays Papers

How art improves our lives Art is a deliberate recreation of a new and special reality that grows from one’s response to life. It improves our existence by enhancing, changing and perpetuating our cultural composition. â€Å"The great artist knows how to impose their particular illusion on the rest of mankind,† proclaimed Guy de Mauspassant. Art improves our lives by directly and indirectly lift the morale of individuals, creating unity and social solidarity. Art creates awareness of social issues. Art may express and reflect the religious, political, and economical aspects of cultures. Art is and can be what ever a culture says it is or what ever they want it to be. It involves all people, those who conceive the idea of the work, execute it, provide necessary equipment and materials, and people who make up the audience for the work. Art forms as diverse as architecture, body decoration, clothing manufacture, and memorial sculptures reflect social status. Art echoes the natural world. It gives order to the world and intensity to human life. Art is a means of communion as well as communication. It provides pleasurable experiences along with cerebral wealth. Art also helps us to express our sentimental relations. It can beautify, surprise, inspire, stimulate imagination, inform, tell stories, and record history. As someone once said, â€Å"Art is life.† Therefore, as teachers, it is our jobs to teach students about life through art. We must have a penetrating comprehension ourselves of how art affects our society in order to teach our students to comprehend the complex purposes of art. We must be aware of the global culture and heritage from which art emerges. For example when teaching our students art aesthetics, we must never let them think that there is only one way to view art. Students, and especially teachers, should be acceptable to all ways in which art evaluation can occur. Western aesthetics is based primarily on individuality, originality, permanence, and form. These factors cannot be applied to art from every culture. For example, African art is understood in terms of rites of passage, healing, power, control, and commerce. Students must be taught to understand the principles of art as they are understood by the cultural group in which they belong in order to truly achieve global awareness and appreciation for art. Obvio usly, teachers must gain this awareness themselves before they can impart it to their students. Travel, physically or intellectually, is necessary for teachers who truly aspire to instill a devotion to open-mindedness and tolerance in their students.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Shylock in Merchant of Venice :: Merchant Venice Essays

The Character of Shylock in Merchant of Venice  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Few characters created by Shakespeare embodies pure evil like the character of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice. Shylock is a usurer and a malevolent, blood-thirsty old man consumed with plotting the downfall of his enemies. He is a malignant, vengeful character, consumed with venomous malice1; a picture of callous, unmitigated villainy, deaf to every appeal of humanity2. Shylock is the antagonist opposite the naive, essentially good Antonio, the protagonist; who must defend himself against the "devil" Shylock. The evil he represents is one of the reasons Shakespeare chose to characterize Shylock as a Jew, as Jews of his time were seen as the children of the Devil, the crucifiers of Christ and stubborn rejecters of God's wisdom and Christianity. However, when Shakespeare created Shylock, he did not insert him in as a purely flat character, consumed only with the villainy of his plot. One of the great talents that Shakespeare possessed, remarks Shakespeare analyst Harrold R. Walley, was his ability to make each key character act like a real, rational person. Walley said of all of Shakespeare's characters, hero or villain, that "Their conduct is always presented as logical and justifiable from their point of view3." To maintain the literary integrity of the play, "Shakespeare is under the necessity of making clear why a man like Shylock should be wrought to such a pitch of vindictive hatred as to contemplate murder4." His evil must have some profound motivation, and that motivation is the evil done to him. Shylock is not an ogre, letting lose harm and disaster without reason. He was wronged first; the fact that his revenge far outweighs that initial evil is what makes him a villain. Beneath Shylock' villainy, the concept of ev il for evil runs as a significant theme through the play. In order to understand the concept of evil for evil, one must examine the initial evil, aimed at Shylock, through Shylock's own eyes. Some may see the discrimination aimed at Shylock as justified, as he is a malicious usurer; certainly the Venetians thought so. However, the discrimination took its toll on Shylock, until he began to hate all Christians. Shylock saw himself as an outsider, alienated by his society. The evil he saw done to him took three major forms: hatred from Antonio, discrimination from Christian Venetians, and the marriage to a Christian of his daughter Jessica.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Role Of Women in the Renaissance Essays -- European Renaissance Ess

When one talks about the Renaissance, the most common topic is art and architecture. It is true that the Italian Renaissance was marked by some of the greatest and most prolific masters of painting, sculpture and building. It is also true that the era marked the emergence of a great deal more. It was a time of awakening from the intellectual darkness of the medieval order and the emergence of many of the concepts that would form the basis for civilization as it is known today. The era saw the birth of new attitudes concerning the role of man in his relationship to the world and to God. Unfortunately, for the most part, the expansion of the 'role of man' did not include the role of women. "Renaissance (from the French for "rebirth") is a term coined in the nineteenth century originally to denote the revival of art and letters under the influence of ancient Roman and Greek models. This revival began in Italy in the fourteenth century, flourished in the fifteenth, and in the sixteenth reached apogee and then crisis in Italy, while it spread through most of Europe. But humanism's classical learning alone cannot account for the immense changes that took place during these centuries; moreover, movements originating in the North also contributed to these changes. Therefore the term Renaissance has also come to denote the era in general and its overriding spirit, in which desires intrinsic to human nature, generally repressed under medieval feudalism, burst forth with new fervor and resulted in a new culture" (Osmond 18). The most conspicuous of these changes were in the world of art and intellectual pursuits. The social structure of Italy and the culturally defined ge nder roles were not as affected as art and architecture. ... ...litical scientist" (Rhu 326). The Renaissance is perceived as a time of intellectual and creative growth, and, indeed, the arts and architectural accomplishments of the era bear out this perception. The two centuries denoted as the Renaissance in Italy are also known as a period of growth in the sciences, with such known personages as Leonardo de Vinci making strides into mathematics, anatomy and other sciences that would open the door for the empirical investigations of later centuries. The greatest of the Italian Renaissance writers, Niccolo Machiavelli, mirrors one of the least known attributes of the time, the social relegation of females. Although it is a time where the role of women is enlarged to some degree, it continues to place strictures on the place and meaning of women that were forged in the writings of the ancient Greeks, such as Aristotle.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Comparison between Salazar and other Authoritarian Regime in the era

Estado Novo or simply the New State was established after the overthrowing of the first republic in 1933. The second Republic was established by Antonio de Oliveira. This authoritarian regime adopted an integral orientation totally different from what characterized most of the fascist states in Europe. The basis of his authoritarian rule was on the premises of economic and political stability; he instituted major reforms which greatly privileged the people in the upper classes to the disadvantage of the poor section of the society. The regime that Salazar established was more inclined towards the church and there was much influence from it, perhaps this emanates from the fact that he was a strong catholic himself. It has been described as a nationalist political regime which was almost similar to the one established hy his italian counterpart , Benito Mussolini. The regime was nevertheless different from the Mussolini Fascism because of its different and less totalitarian leanings. His State was basically founded on the Catholicism and the Anti-communism ideologies. Salazar did not claim in developing power for his regime with the same degree as fascist did (Cook, B 2001) One of the outstanding difference between Salazar and other dictators is that he did not intiate the cult of personality instead he is more recognized for his mere simple and ascetic manners. â€Å"his one party system was based on a different premise to those of Germany and Italy,the ruling party Unicao Nacional was not intended as a radical means of reshaping political view and mobilizing political opinion rather it was a device to create consensus or to demobilize politics altogether. (Lee,Stephen 2000) The origin of Salazar and Hitler’s regimes is coincidental, Hitler and Salazar arose to power on the same year and precisely the same month, the two dictators’ ascension to power was seen by many as the hope of their nations. The two leaders had the same agendas but none seemed to be fascinated by the other. During the Second World War Portugal chose to remain neutral and safeguard her interest both locally and internationally. Her support for either of the sides would have threatened it own existence and the colonies it owned overseas. (Stanely, G 2008) Perhaps the common factor that the two dictators shared during this war period was the hatred towards soviet communism, they felt that rise of communism would be a great threat to the capitalist attitudes adopted by their regimes. (Lieitz, C 2000) notes that the two leaders worked very hard towards frustrating Soviet attempt to spread their communism ideologies to the different parts of Europe. Salazar and Franco of Portugal had a common fear of the Anglo-Russian agreement and the relationship that Russia was having with the United Nation. As time went on the two dictators greatly depended on Germany for trade as this was a very important element for their retention of their power, they felt that the rise of communist power would have a great influence and this would ultimately jeopardize their regimes. (Cull, N Holbrook, D, Welch, D 2003) Stanely, G (1987) attribute Salazar regime survival in power to his manipulative ability where he gave some fictitious power to some of the institutions, elections continued to be held where president was elected but he continued to control the most powerful office on the land, Stanely, G notes that Salazar allowed kept some kind of constitution dispensation something which was totally different with Franco’s regime. According to Stanely and Paney this â€Å" enabled Salazar to the degree of opprobrium suffered by the Franco regime in 1945†(p631). Despite being a dictator he was able to penetrate the walls made by the international community barring dictators the limelight enjoyed by the democracies especially in the western world. (Christian, L 2001) Despite the fact that Salazar wanted Portugal to thrive economically he has been described as having established a traditional and conservative regime. Compared to what Mussolini and his Germany counterpart achieved he fell short of industrializing his country. He had no ambitions of expansion â€Å"Portugal has no need for wars, usurpations or conquests† (Lee, Stephen 2000). Portugal seemed more satisfied with what they had explaining the reason why Salazar felt they should first preserve what they had acquired in the past, this contradicted with Hitler and Mussolini who felt that expansion was the only way to consolidate power. Salazar regime has been described as one of the milder dictatorships in the period after the two great wars. The carefully adopted policy initiated and approached by Salazar explains why his regime outlived the other right wing authorities but this longevity has been greatly attributed to the country’s delay in democratization.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Internet and Our Reading Ability Essay

Internet has become a boon for all of us. It gave us the flexibility to get any kind of information on our figure tips, at the comfort of our home and that too very quickly. Few years back getting information about anything was kind of difficult and tedious. People use to read books, go through journals and old newspapers and so on and so forth to fetch any particular news or information. But with the internet boom, everything changed. People started using eBooks, online dictionaries, Wikipedia, online magazines, online journals. Internet gave people the flexibility to search for anything and everything they want with the click of a button, starting from a local address to international news with the search giant called Google. In current scenario, more and more people are becoming dependant on internet for everything in their life. With all these developments and internet dependency, the one billion dollar question is, does the Internet decrease our ability and interest in reading? Does the Internet decrease our ability and interest in reading? Internet, few years’ back this was not known to anyone or may be a very few people. Internet was known to be a medium to communicate, this served as a boon for the software industry and many other corporate. Post’s which took many days and at times months, could be delivered in just few seconds. This made communication fast and easy. Slowly internet expanded its areas and entered into normal people’s life. People started feeling the comfort of sending emails and communication easy and very quick. With the internet god, people starting enjoying the comfort and flexibility. Slowly with research and development, internet expanded its expertise. It became a source of information with huge database of information. Internet gave people the flexibility to get any kind of information that they needed, very fast. This added to people’s comfort and flexibility and they started enjoying the so called internet. As the information were made available, people started feeling the need of having flexibility to search for information with keywords and hence search engines like Google, yahoo, msn were born. Research shows that, as the demand increases, supply also increased. The same thing happened with internet. People felt the need to do more with internet rather than just reading/writing emails and getting information. Slowly internet expanded its wings towards the ecommerce. Groceries, garments, jewelries, greeting cards, flowers and gifts, computers and electronics everything became online. People reduced their showroom visits, and started enjoying the ecommerce which gave them flexibility to buy anything they desire with just few button clicks and with added benefits like home delivery. With so many flexibilities and comforts, people got addicted to the internet. They started enjoying the electronic or online world to be more precise. As the comfort increases, the desires also increase and same thing happened in the internet case. After ecommerce boom, came a big bash called web2. 0, it gave people more flexibility. Here the user was the king. Until now people were just reading information, purchasing items and so on and so forth, but with web 2. 0 concepts came a revolutionary change in the internet world. People were able to do lot many things like writing blogs, social networking, commenting and rating, sharing, collaboration, forming and joining online groups and communities. People were able to attending the online webinars, eLearning concepts, reading academic books or novels online, reading news online and so on. There is no end to the internet and the new concepts coming up. Internet gave people flexibility, flexibility to read, write, search, buy and do whatever they want and feel. Internet is like a genie for everyone, wish anything and you will get. Internet is not limited to big cities it expanded its wings to small villages also, making them all e-dependant. Despite of all these developments, internet didn’t stop; it grabbed its attention towards the students and teachers. Student started feeling the comfort of reading online, making notes, doing research and so on and so forth. Things which seemed like rocket science became a cake walk for them. Internet helped them in finding anything they desire. Students started spending more time online through internet than reading physical notes and books. Kids started playing online games hence reducing their outdoor games. As the internet came with so many comforts, people started enjoying them all and became internet addicted. Internet addition is more dangerous than any drugs. As and when people started enjoying their comforts with the so called internet god, they forgot everything else in life; they started spending more time online. Even for small information they started searching online. Their social circle got affected. But what happened next? Most importantly their patience level decreased towards reading. Earlier people use to read books with lot of patience, going though the index page, turning through the page number they want to read, bookmarking the page where they stopped and so on. But with internet their reading ability decreased. They started feeling impatient about turning page by page to get any information. Ctrl+f (find) became their all time favorite shortcut. They desired these types of shortcut and online methods in their normal life also. Internet which came as a boon for all of us, became a curse for the authors and writers, since people started feeling disinterested towards reading books, rather they preferred eBooks which are way simpler to read and navigate. EBooks provided them flexibility to click on hyperlinks and go to any particular topics, which is not possible through normal books. It gave them flexibility to search for any word they wish to find about in any particular topic or phrase. Internet totally changed the way people work. It changed people’s perception towards reading and writing. Those who were happy reading books started disliking them. They got so addicted to the internet that it became major part of their life for everything. Internet have spoiled people’s mind, thinking ability, reading ability, writing ability and many more things. Those who enjoyed going to libraries and renting books and reading them, now likes to go to online libraries and read eBooks. Those who enjoyed reading newspapers now like reading news online in news sites. Those who liked reading or knowing general knowledge through GK books now like finding them online through Google or any such search engine. Those who liked doing research by collecting books and as many articles as possible, now like going online and referring online articles, links and books. Everything changed! People find it flexible and comfortable to read online for one more added reason that is information is available free of cost. Internet gave people everything they can desire in their life starting from comfort, flexibility to knowledge, technologies, gadgets and widgets and many more things. But it took away the patience from them. People don’t want to apply their brains anywhere else but only on the internet and doing things online. Obviously why do they need to apply brains? When everything they want is getting them available efficiently, fast and with the same quality and with lots and lots of flexibility, why would they like to do things without internet. With all the points above, the only conclusion is the internet may be a boon for all of us to lead a comfortable life, but internet has taken away one very important things from all our lives, and that is readability. References http://news. zdnet. com/2100-9595_22-243997. html Is Google Making Us Stupid? http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Is_Google_Making_Us_Stupid%3F Internet Age: Are We Losing Our Ability to Read and think? http://www. realtruth. org/articles/090105-006-science. html Leonard, Pitts. Is the Internet robbing us of the ability to read — and think? http://www. sj- r. com/archive/x833711685/Leonard-Pitts-Is-the-Internet-robbing-us-of-the-ability-to-read- and-think Nicholas, Carr (2008). Is Google Making Us Stupid?

Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Visual Analysis of a World War II Poster Essay

â€Å"Keep this Horror from Your Home,† an American propaganda poster produced during World War II, uses many visual and textual elements to encourage Americans to buy war bonds by portraying the Japanese as rapists. The author of the piece is unknown, but it is obvious that the creator of the poster carefully chooses the color, patterns, scale, text, and representation of the piece to send a very strong social and political message. There is little doubt that the underlying message was directed towards all Americans during World War II, and not towards a single community or group of people. The viewer does not need an art background or even the slightest political awareness to understand the meaning of the poster. Rather, the poster is simple and straightforward. The central focus of the poster is on the Japanese man, whose facial features are clearly exaggerated to instill fear and disgust in the eyes of the viewer. In contrast, the frightened and vulnerable expression of the American woman, who is helpless in the grasp of the Japanese soldier, fuels the viewer’s hatred for the Japanese even more. Its message is palpable to the extent of the quickest glance, yet there is more evidence hidden beyond the surface of the poster. Its full visual potential can be realized only after analyzing the various visual and textual elements in exacting detail. After examining and exploring the poster in depth, it becomes apparent that the color scheme plays an important role in assigning the role of the victim and of the enemy. The Japanese soldier has very dark skin whereas the American girl being threatened and possibly raped has fair skin. The dark versus light contrast always seems to symbolize the struggle between evil and good. The technique in which the creator of the poster uses in juxtaposing the dark skin of the Japanese soldier with the light skin of the American girl fully achieves his intended purpose. Further inspection reveals another dark versus light contrast. The Japanese soldier wears a black army issued hat while the American soldier on the lower right corner of the poster wears a white cap, subconsciously suggesting that the Japanese army is evil and that the American forces are good. The blood red color of the background, the bright red lips of the Japanese soldier, and the reddish hue on the American girl’s cheeks all seem to allude to the sexuality of the poster. The use of the color red symbolizes blood, violence, and rape.  Besides the red background and the dark versus light contrast of the Japanese soldier and the American girl’s skin colors, the â€Å"placards† that read â€Å"Invest 10% in War Bonds† and â€Å"Back up Our Battleskies!† are the only other colors represented on the entire poster. It is interesting to note that the color of the two placards matches the color of the American girl’s skin. The entire poster is dominated, if not limited, to these three colors: red, dark, and light. This allows the viewer to focus on and to look beyond the color scheme and recognize its symbolic meaning, rather than just to admire the colors of the poster without delving beneath the surface meaning. Scale and pattern also play an important role in defining our perception of each character in the poster. For example, the Japanese soldier’s hands are so large that they appear to envelop the American girl’s face, causing the viewer to feel threatened. In addition, the Japanese soldier’s teeth are jagged and massive, immediately drawing attention to his beast-like, merciless expression. One may even draw the conclusion that the Japanese soldier represents some kind of wild animal, as his posture and expression seem too cruel to be human. His frightening and imposing figure in conjunction with the phrase, â€Å"Keep This HORROR from Your Home† gives the reader the feeling that both his own country and home are being threatened by the Japanese. At this point, the text and the font size and style of the text become very important to the overall meaning of the poster and make it a very effective propaganda poster. In assigning the word â€Å"HORROR† a larger font size than the words around it, the artist wants the viewer to focus on the word â€Å"Horror,† which instills a sense of fear and insecurity into the viewer. Italicizing the word â€Å"Your† gives the viewer a sense of identity with his country and inspires a sense of pride and obligation in defending his own home, his own nation. That’s where the genius of the poster comes in. Following the feeling of anxiety and urgency that the poster pushes onto the viewer, a simple solution is offered: â€Å"Invest 10% in War Bonds.† The artist obviously designed the poster to stimulate the sales of war bonds, and he succeeds in doing so because he presents such a morbid and exaggerated scene, climaxing with the threatening phrase â€Å"Keep This HORROR from Your Home.† In a literal sense, the phrase, â€Å"Invest 10% in War Bonds,† is analogous to the denouement of the poster’s â€Å"plot. † After analyzing the poster in full detail, one understands all the aspects of the poster. Questions as to why the artist used certain color schemes, why he presented the characters like he did, and why he used such powerful text are answered. Like most typical World War II propaganda posters, this poster, capitalizes on the nationalistic pride of the people in defending their own nation. In doing so, it exploits the stereotypical view of the Japanese soldier and paints a cloud of sin to rouse the spirits of Americans. Racial inferiority, hate crimes, and discrimination are the end results of such propaganda posters. Does the artist carry out his intended goal of selling war bonds and stirring up emotions of anger and fear in Americans? Without a doubt†¦ But whether such use of propaganda is ethical and justified is an entirely separate question.